Spring: Brussels Sprouts + Bacon with Maple-Dijon Glaze
Brussels sprouts are low in calories, full of antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, and K, and also have anti-inflammatory properties. Not bad for such tiny little things! Brussels sprouts are part of the Brassica family and resemble mini cabbages, simply for the fact that they are very closely related. The exact origin of brussels sprouts is unknown, but it is widely believed that they are native to Belgium- specifically in the region around Brussels. (Shocking). In the U.S., brussels sprouts are grown predominantly in California, and are in season from September to March.
Whether selecting brussels in the grocery store or at your local farmer's market, look for bright green heads that are firm to the touch, with tightly-packed leaves. Avoid brussels with yellowing leaves or black spots, and keep in mind that smaller sprouts are usually sweeter and more tender than larger sprouts. The larger the leaves, the more cabbage-like they will taste. When roasted, Brussels sprouts are absolutely heavenly! Brussels are also delicious when shaved into a salad, sautéed, braised or fried.
Store Brussels sprouts in an air tight back in the crisper section of your refrigerator until ready to use.
(Makes 4 servings)
1 lb. brussels sprouts, rinsed, ends trimmed and outer most leaves peeled, cut in halves
5 large cloves garlic, peeled and minced
3 slices raw, hardwood smoked bacon, diced into 1/4" pieces
olive oil, as needed
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/3 cup maple syrup
4 teaspoons Grey Poupon country dijon mustard (course ground)
1 teaspoon low sodium soy sauce
Mix it good!
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine the brussels sprouts, bacon, minced garlic, sea salt, and pepper. Drizzle in just enough olive oil to coat, and mix thoroughly. Set aside.
In a small mixing bowl, combine the maple syrup, dijon mustard, and soy sauce. Mix well.
Take 2 tablespoons of the maple-dijon mixture, and add it to the bowl with the brussels sprouts. Mix well.
Transfer the brussels sprout mixture to a large, non-stick baking pan. Spread brussels sprouts out into a single layer, leaving space in between.
Place pan into the oven, and allow to cook for approximately 10 minutes.
Remove pan from the oven, and flip brussels sprouts over.
Pour remaining maple-dijon glaze over brussels sprouts, and mix well. Be sure to keep brussel sprouts in a single layer, spread evenly.
Return pan to the oven for another 10-15 minutes, until fully cooked.
Remove fully cooked brussels sprouts from oven, and allow to rest for approximately one minute. (Remember to turn your oven off!)
Transfer brussels sprouts to serving bowl, and give them a quick stir for even coating.
Enjoy, bon apetit!
Spread -em out!
Pile 'em high!